Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 4

Day 4


Morning started off with the anticipation that our forecast predicts snow today. Still nothing on the ground but just rain so we didn’t know what to expect.

We got our normal start out the door at approx 10:30am We both got a better nights sleep as we have figured out how the wall heater works and have found a temp that is comfortable. So we took advantage of the sleep.

Our plan of attack was to head over to “tower.” From our town that is about 20 miles east on the north side. We have been advised that we will not be able to make it all the way through b/c the road has been closed for weather for weeks, and won’t open up until later in the season.

As we start through the first part we come across a pretty water fall. Along out drive, there isn’t much in the way of things to do, but just areas that look more like California mountains.

At this time, the rain starts to pick up then we start to notice little floaty things. Not having any upbringing in the snow, after a few moments we realize that this is SNOW. It’s still not cold enough to stick but it’s just very slushy.

As we approach the junction for the East entrance and Roosevelt lodge, we notice that the thing we came out to look at (petrified tree), the road was closed. With no explanation as to why the road was closed we continued on to what little road was still left open. As we pull up the road to “tower falls” we notice traffic was at a total stop. When traffic stops we know to stop. But this time, we were a little annoyed b/c we couldn’t see anything and nobody was moving. Finally we were able to pass….and just when that happened, we saw what people were looking at. Yup it was a BLACK BEAR. This bear looked to be pretty young still but hey, we got a quick picture and checked it off our list of things we are looking for.

We were surprised that tower falls was even open but I’m glad that it was. Yup another waterfall that was pouring buckets of water. I do have to say that spring is the best time for waterfalls.

After that waterfall the only way out was to go the way you came back in. So a thought started to brew in our heads. We really wanted to see this petrified tree and no signs as to why we couldn’t hike in were posted so we pulled off to the side of the road and start to gear up in all snow gear. Yup, snow jackets, gloves, sweatshirts, boots and so on. Only one problem. We forgot out snow pants in our cabin. Oh well….so we start to hike in the ¼ mile, keeping our eyes pealed for bears and bison. We also picked up a stick just in case. Just about the time we approach the petrified tree….the rain starts to turn to snow. Yup full on SNOW BLIZZARD. We quickly take a picture and high tail it back to the car. Once we return to the car, we both agreed….yup, that wasn’t worth it. We could have skipped that part of today, but the snow was awesome. And those snow pants….yeah we could have used them. We were soaked.

So on our way to the second part of the day we stop at the cabin and change into proper snow gear as this was probably the only day we would be able to use it. (glad we did…we were warm and dry now)

The second part of our day was spent on the east side. On our normal road out we come across road block two of the day and boy are we glad to stopped. This was a quick one…something Sean was wanting and dying to see the entire trip. A WOLF! He was moving quickly so I told Sean to quickly take a picture…at that time when the window was down and the wolf was trotting across the landscape, he was making his howling noises. I quickly turned off the air and any noise making just to listen. It was awesome to listen to this wolf in the wild.

At this part of the park, it was just a snow blizzard again and it was sticking. I’m sure our entire front of the car looked white but we didn’t stop in time to take a picture b/c it was too cold and not easy to stop.

So the east side of the park had it moments. It defiantly had a tone of “grand.” Everything that we saw was just huge. First stop was the lower and upper falls of Yellowstone. Just amazing…but I have to say, the water was very dirty. Not white like all the other falls we had seen. At the lower falls was also the grand canyon of Yellowstone. Impressive but not the grand canyon.

Next stop was the Yellowstone lake. Again since it was bad weather, it was hard to make out the full perimeter of the lake but we could tell this thing was HUGE. The lake was still frozen over so we took a quick photo and headed back to our cabin.

6pm rolls around and it’s dinner time. Just before leaving I was going to set the crock pot again but discovered that the meat I had brought went bad so we had to resort to a back up plan…dinner at the dining hall.

This place was a JOKE. We at here on Sunday night, and wasn’t at all impressed but since a full blizzard was here and going to stay, traveling was not an option and we were starving. So as this was the only place in a 30 mile radius we sucked it up and waited the 30minutes to get a table, then had the most horrible service. Boy am I thankful for California places. They know what QUICK is.

At dinner Sean decided to try Bison. He said was like a really good burger. I was too chicken (very unlike me) to try it. He’s got something on me then. 

Tomorrow is the south, and Tetons

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