Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 1 - Saturday May 9th, 09

Beep! Beep! Beep!, the alarm sounded at 7am to alert me that it was time to get out of bed and finish up packing and load the vehicle. Just about 7:45am, Seans out of bed and ready to help. We finalize the packing and start loading. Just about 8:20am the car is packed and to our surprise we are out the door only 20 minutes late (very shocking for a Plunkett) and we hit the road.

11:45am rolls around and we've hit Vegas. We had to cancel plans with a friend/cousin who was in town b/c she started shooting for the day on "Top Chef" just about the time that we would be arriving in Vegas. We miss her dearly. We fill up on gas and get a bite to eat our of cooler and hit the road once again.

Just a few short hours later we're cruising along and I quickly point out to my driver (aka Sean) that we're making AWESOME time. He quickly glances over and chuckles, uh don't look at how fast we're going. Soon after that point and just a few hundred miles into Utah, whoot whoot.....sirens.....and a black dodge charger come roaring around a big rig and Sean got nailed! My thoughts quickly turn to not anger but rather laughter and the thought "AH HA!, You can no longer rib it in my face that you don't have a ticket...."

The officer did hand over the ticket and said he wrote the ticket down...and also a list of the fines and how to pay it as well as complete traffic school. After a quick tabulation, the fine was only $82, but the ticket processing was $55 and traffic school another 30. Hehe, and it wasn't even in the cobra. :P

Just about 5pm, we're sick of seeing the car but have had miles of beautiful Utah mountains, snow and greenery. We pass by BYU and then just a few short miles later we hit our exit. Thank goodness! We check in to our holiday inn express, and find a place to eat.

While locating our place for dinner, we locate a movie theater and arrange an 8pm movie for Star trek. I'm totally not a "trekkie" but the husband wanted to see it, so I said lets go for it.

Now we have prepared to settle in for the night and get some sleep, then up early to work out and get my tired legs moving and then off to YELLOWSTONE. More to come later....


  1. I was last in Yellowstone when I was about 5 years old, but I remember how cool all the animals were, and I remember the smell of the geysers.... Enjoy!

    - chels

  2. We can't wait...we're packing up now, and headed into the park in just a few short hours. Currently it's 46 and thunder storms. Should be snowing on tuesday :)
